Written As I Remember It
Three narratives in Sliammon
Elsie Paul

This web page contains a brief explanation about the three narratives in Sliammon in the following book and links to them:
Written As I Remember It: Teachings (ʔəms tɑʔɑw) from the life of a Sliammon Elder by Elsie Paul (in collaboration with Paige Raibmon and Harmony Johnson, UBC Press, 2014)
The following links take you to the pages for each of the three narratives. There you can listen to the original recording of Elsie speaking in the Sliammon language.
Narrative 1. nohotəm ("They Invited Them to a Feast")
p. 139-147. recorded on Mar. 22, 1996.
Narrative 2. qʷʋlčʼɛ tɑwθɛm kʷut tɑmʌs ("They [Spirits] Just Came and Told You Something")
p. 269-275. recorded on Sep. 1, 1997. This is an excerpt from a much longer recording of a conversation between Elsie and the late Mary George. Mary's responses to Elsie, which were almost entirely interjections, were taken out in the version in the book for reasons of space. The excerpt is presented here as the segment was originally recorded and transcribed.
Narrative 3. čʼɛhčʼɛhʌ čxʷ kʼʷʌnɛtomoɬ ("You Thank the One Who Looks after All of Us")
p. 378-386. recorded on March 18, 1996.
left: Elsie and Honoré Watanabe working side by side. 2008.