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EP-TRADITION.084 [ƛʼɑ́sʌm qʷɑys qɑ́ymɩxʷ] ƛʼasəm ƛʼaɬs-Vm strong-MDL qʷays qʷay-s talk-3POSS qaymixʷ qaymixʷ Native.people 'People's words are powerful.'

EP-TRADITION.085 [nɑmʼ kʷƛoˑƛop ʔʌnɩ́gi] namʼ namʼ similar kʷ‿ ƛuƛup kʷ‿ CV-ƛup DET‿ IMPF-wound ʔə‿ nəgi ʔə‿ nəgiL OBL‿ 2SG.INDP 'It is like they are going right into you.'

EP-TRADITION.086 [gʌ pɑyɛʔʌs ʔoˑɬoθɛm qɑymɩxʷ] ga‿ payaʔas ga‿ payaʔ-as if‿ always-3CNJ.SBJ ʔuɬuθim ʔuɬ-u-θi-m tell-LV-CTR+2SG.OBJ-MDL qaymixʷ qaymixʷ Native.people 'If people are always talking about you,'

EP-TRADITION.087 [ƛóˑƛop θoː ʔʌ nɩ́gi qʷɑys qɑymɩxʷ] ƛuƛup CV-ƛup IMPF-wound θu θu go ʔə‿ nəgi ʔə‿ nəgiL OBL‿ 2SG.INDP qʷays qʷay-s talk-3POSS qaymixʷ qaymixʷ Native.people 'It is cutting right into you, what people are saying.'

EP-TRADITION.088 [hɛɬhiːt ʔʌθqʷʋlʼ qʼɑ́ʔtʼɑˑtʼʌ̀m] hiɬ ‿hiyt hiL ‿hiyt it's ‿CLT ʔə‿ θ‿ qʷəlʼ ʔə‿ θ‿ qʷəlʼ CLF‿ 2SG.POSS‿ come qʼaʔtʼatʼəm qʼətʼ-VC-Vm heavy-INC-MDL 'It weighs you down.'

EP-TRADITION.089 [xʷɑʔhiːt čɛʔmʌs ʔiː hočxʷhiːt ʔéˑǰɛmtʌnómot] xʷaʔ ‿hiyt xʷaʔ ‿hiyt NEG ‿CLT čamʼas čəmʼ-as why-3CNJ.SBJ ʔiy ʔiy and hu ‿čxʷ ‿hiyt hu ‿čxʷ ‿hiyt go ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ ‿CLT ʔiǰamtənumut ʔiǰ-Vm-t-ə-ng-mut improve-MDL-CTR-EPEN-NTR-RFL 'You are unable to make any progress, unable to get better.'

EP-TRADITION.090 [hɛgʌxʷ (<ʔʌxʷ) nɑmʼs tɑnʼ tʌθ͡θo soˑsoˑhoˑθot pɑyɛʔ] hi ‿ga hiL ‿ga it's ‿MTG ʔə‿ xʷ‿ namʼs ʔə‿ xʷ‿ namʼ-s CLF‿ NOM‿ similar-3POSS tanʼ tanʼ DEM tə‿ θ‿ θu tə‿ θ‿ θu DET‿ 2SG.POSS‿ go susuhuθut CV-suh-u-θut IMPF-do.traditional.ritual-LV-CTR+RFL payaʔ payaʔ always 'That is why you always do your morning rituals.'

EP-TRADITION.091 [pɑ́yčxʷʔʋt hoː soˑsoˑhoθot kʷʋθ qʷʋlʼʔiʔⁱ kʷʋθ ƛʌƛiːčʼɛˑθot] payaʔ ‿čxʷ ‿ʔut payaʔ ‿čxʷ ‿ʔut always ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ ‿CLT hu hu go susuhuθut CV-suh-u-θut IMPF-do.traditional.ritual-LV-CTR+RFL kʷə‿ θ‿ qʷəlʼ kʷə‿ θ‿ qʷəlʼ DET‿ 2SG.POSS‿ come ʔəyʼ ʔəǰʼ good kʷə‿ θ‿ ƛəƛəyčʼaθut kʷə‿ θ‿ CV-ƛəyčʼ-a-θut DET‿ 2SG.POSS‿ IMPF-go.through-LV-CTR+RFL 'You always do your morning rituals to better yourself to achieve the good things that will help you to be successful in your life.'

EP-TRADITION.092 [ʔiˑ ʔuːkʼʷstɑm qʷʋlʼ ʔiʔ nɩ́gi / tɑːm θoˑ yɛʔqʼʌšɛxʷ] ʔiy ʔiy and ʔuwkʼʷs ʔuwkʼʷ-s all-3POSS tam tam what qʷəlʼ qʷəlʼ come ʔəyʼ ʔəǰʼ good nəgi nəgiL 2SG.INDP tam tam what θu θu go yaʔqʼašaxʷ yəqʼ-Vš-axʷ use-TR-2SG.ERG 'and everything will be alright with you, whatever you use,'

EP-TRADITION.093 [tʌ́x̣ʌmʔɑy tɑ́ʔʌ kʷʋθ͡θoː] təx̣əmʔay təx̣əmʔay cedar taʔa taʔa DEM kʷə‿ θ‿ θu kʷə‿ θ‿ θu DET‿ 2SG.POSS‿ go 'cedar over there.'

EP-TRADITION.094 [hɛwtəmʼ kʷʌθ͡θoː x̣ʷʌtʼᶿʌm tɑnʼ kʷʋθ xʷíˑkʷɛˑθòt] hiwtəmʼ hiwtəmʼ before kʷə‿ θ‿ θu kʷə‿ θ‿ θu DET‿ 2SG.POSS‿ go x̣ʷətʼᶿʔəm x̣ʷətʼᶿ-ʔəm break.off-A.INTR tanʼ tanʼ DEM kʷə‿ θ‿ xʷikʷiθut kʷə‿ θ‿ xʷikʷ-i-θut DET‿ 2SG.POSS‿ brush.with.cedar.boughs-LV-CTR+RFL 'before you break them to rub on yourself,'

EP-TRADITION.095 [čʼɛʰčʼɛʰʌčxʷt tʌx̣ʌmʔɑy] čʼahčʼahat ‿čxʷ CVC-čʼah-a-t ‿čxʷ RDPL-pray-LV-CTR ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ t‿ təx̣əmʔay tə‿ təx̣əmʔay DET‿ cedar 'you thank the cedar tree.'

EP-TRADITION.096 [tɑ́wčɛxʷ (tʌ)θkʷuˑɬmɑ tə nɑ́ʔʌs.....] tawt ‿čaxʷ tag-t ‿čaxʷ tell-CTR ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ tə‿ θ‿ kʷuɬma tə‿ θ‿ kʷuɬma DET‿ 2SG.POSS‿ borrow tə‿ naʔas tə‿ naʔa-s DET‿ FILLER-3POSS 'You tell it you're going to borrow ... (from it).'

EP-TRADITION.097 [x̣ʷʌ́tʼᶿʌmčxʷθo] x̣ʷətʼᶿʔəm ‿čxʷ x̣ʷətʼᶿ-ʔəm ‿čxʷ break.off-A.INTR ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ θu θu go 'You go and break (branches).'

EP-TRADITION.098 [čʼɛ́hčʼɛhʌčxʷ] čʼahčʼahat ‿čxʷ CVC-čʼah-a-t ‿čxʷ RDPL-pray-LV-CTR ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ 'You thank it.'

EP-TRADITION.099 [gʌyɛčxʷgə kʷukʼʷɑθɛs] gayat ‿čxʷ ‿ga gay-a-t ‿čxʷ ‿ga ask-LV-CTR ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ ‿MTG kʷəkʷʔaθis CV-kʷəʔ-a-θi-as IMPF-help-LV-CTR+2SG.OBJ-3ERG 'You ask it to help you.'

EP-TRADITION.100 [yɩːʔx̣mɛθɛs] yəyʼx̣miθis yəyʼx̣-mi-θi-as take.care-RLT-CTR+2SG.OBJ-3ERG 'And to look after you.'

EP-TRADITION.101 [ʔiˑ nɑmʼsčxʷ ʔʋ˕t qɑ́ʔyɛ] ʔiy ʔiy and namʼs ‿čxʷ ‿ʔut namʼ-stg ‿čxʷ ‿ʔut similar-CAU ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ ‿CLT qayʼa qayʼa water 'and you do the same for the water.'

EP-TRADITION.102 [ʔuːkʼʷtɑm tiˑsxʷʌxʷ niš tɛʔɛ giǰɛ] ʔuwkʼʷ ʔuwkʼʷ all tam tam what tihsxʷaxʷ tih-stg-axʷ big-CAU-2SG.ERG niš niš stay tiʔi tiʔi here giǰa giǰa ground 'You treat everything with respect in this world.'

EP-TRADITION.103 [hɛwtəmʼ kʷʌθ θoˑ yɛʔqʼʌš tətɑ́m ʔɛɬtən tiˑtʌčuˑmɩxʷ] hiwtəmʼ hiwtəmʼ before kʷə‿ θ‿ θu kʷə‿ θ‿ θu DET‿ 2SG.POSS‿ go yaʔqʼaš yəqʼ-Vš use-TR tə‿ tam tə‿ tam DET‿ what ʔiɬtən ʔiɬtən food titačumixʷ titačumixʷ animal 'Before you use the animal as food.'

EP-TRADITION.104 [gʌθɑˑhʌxʷ mɑʔʌm kʷǰɛ́nxʷ] ga‿ θahaxʷ ga‿ θu-h-axʷ if‿ go-EPEN-2SG.CNJ.SBJ maʔəm maʔ-ʔəm obtain-A.INTR kʷ‿ ǰanxʷ kʷ‿ ǰanxʷ DET‿ fish 'If you go and get some fish,'

EP-TRADITION.105 [čʼɛʰčʼɛhʌčxʷ tɑnʼ] čʼahčʼahat ‿čxʷ CVC-čʼah-a-t ‿čxʷ RDPL-pray-LV-CTR ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ tanʼ tanʼ DEM 'You thank it.'

EP-TRADITION.106 [tɑwčɛxʷ] tawt ‿čaxʷ tag-t ‿čaxʷ tell-CTR ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ 'You tell it.'

EP-TRADITION.107 [qʼʷiːmɛθčxʷʋm (qʼʷeymɛθčxʷʋm)] qʼʷiymiθ ‿čxʷəm qʼʷiy-mi-θ ‿čxʷəm feel.sorry-RLT-CTR+1SG.OBJ ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ+FUT '"Forgive me."'

EP-TRADITION.108 [xʷɑ́ʔčʔot hɑysən tᶿqeyθɛ] xʷaʔ ‿č ‿ʔut xʷaʔ ‿č ‿ʔut NEG ‿1SG.INDC.SBJ ‿CLT haysan hays-an only-1SG.CNJ.SBJ tᶿ‿ qəyθi tᶿ‿ qəy-θi 1SG.POSS‿ die-CTR+2SG.OBJ '"I'm not killing you for the sake of nothing."'

EP-TRADITION.109 [ʔoʔoˑwuˑθoč ʔʌnɩ́gi] ʔuʔuwuθut ‿č CV-ʔuw-u-θut ‿č IMPF-assist-LV-CTR+RFL ‿1SG.INDC.SBJ ʔə‿ nəgi ʔə‿ nəgiL OBL‿ 2SG.INDP '"You are going to help me."'

EP-TRADITION.110 [hɛ́gʌ tᶿtíː qʷʋ˕lʼ mɑːθɛ] hi ‿ga hiL ‿ga it's ‿MTG tᶿ‿ tiy tᶿ‿ tiy 1SG.POSS‿ *** qʷəlʼ qʷəlʼ come maθi maʔ-θi obtain-CTR+2SG.OBJ '"That's why I have come to take you."'

EP-TRADITION.111 [nɩ́giʔot (ʔʌxʷ)qʷʋ́lʼs ʔíʔⁱ] nəgi ‿ʔut nəgiL ‿ʔut 2SG.INDP ‿CLT ʔə‿ xʷ‿ qʷəlʼs ʔə‿ xʷ‿ qʷəlʼ-s CLF‿ NOM‿ come-3POSS ʔəyʼ ʔəǰʼ good 'It reflects well on your part as person.'

EP-TRADITION.112 [xʷʋčɛəmʌs qʌqsɛmɛčxʷ tɑm tiˑtɑˑčumɩxʷ niš ʔʌtɛʔɛ giǰɛ] xʷaʔ xʷaʔ NEG čamʼas čəmʼ-as why-3CNJ.SBJ qaqsimit ‿čxʷ qaqs-Vm-mi-t ‿čxʷ play-MDL-RLT-CTR ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ tam tam what titačumixʷ titačumixʷ animal niš niš stay ʔə‿ tiʔi ʔə‿ tiʔi OBL‿ here giǰa giǰa ground 'You never make fun/waste any animal in this world.'

EP-TRADITION.113 [hɛɬʔot tɑnʼ kʷukʷʔɑˑθɛ] hiɬ ‿ʔut hiL ‿ʔut it's ‿CLT tanʼ tanʼ DEM kʷəkʷʔaθi CV-kʷəʔa-θi IMPF-help-CTR+2SG.OBJ 'They are the ones that help you.'

EP-TRADITION.114 [hɛɬʔʌθqʷʋ˕lʼhiːt ʔíʔ] hiɬ hiL it's ʔə‿ θ‿ qʷəlʼ ‿hiyt ʔə‿ θ‿ qʷəlʼ ‿hiyt CLF‿ 2SG.POSS‿ come ‿CLT ʔəyʼ ʔəǰʼ good 'That's how you get better.'

EP-TRADITION.115 [gəyɩ́ʔx̣mɛtʌxʷ tɑnʼ tot ʔuːkʼʷtɑˑmʌs] ga‿ yəyʼx̣mitaxʷ ga‿ yəyʼx̣-mi-t-axʷ if‿ take.care-RLT-CTR-2SG.CNJ.SBJ tanʼ tanʼ DEM tut tut *** ʔuwkʼʷ ʔuwkʼʷ all tamas tam-as what-3CNJ.SBJ 'If you look after that and everything else.'

EP-TRADITION.116 [hɛwtəmʼ kʷʌθθoː tɑʔɑˑčiš] hiwtəmʼ hiwtəmʼ before kʷə‿ θ‿ θu kʷə‿ θ‿ θu DET‿ 2SG.POSS‿ go taʔačiš taʔačiš travel 'Before you go travelling,'

EP-TRADITION.117 [hɛwtəmʼ kʷʌθ θoː hɛ́qɛθot] hiwtəmʼ hiwtəmʼ before kʷə‿ θ‿ θu kʷə‿ θ‿ θu DET‿ 2SG.POSS‿ go hiqiθut hiq-i-θut cast.off-LV-CTR+RFL 'and before you pull out,'

EP-TRADITION.118 [čʼɛʰčʼɛhʌčxʷ (kʷ) kʼʷʌnɛtomoɬ] čʼahčʼahat ‿čxʷ CVC-čʼah-a-t ‿čxʷ RDPL-pray-LV-CTR ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ kʷ‿ kʼʷənitumuɬ kʷ‿ kʼʷən-i-t-umuɬ DET‿ see-LV-CTR-1PL.OBJ 'you thank the one who looks after all of us.'

EP-TRADITION.119 [hɛsəm kʼʷʌ́nɛθ kʷʋtᶿ hoːsəm hɛ́ˑqɛˑθòt] hi ‿səm hiL ‿səm it's ‿FUT kʼʷəniθ kʼʷən-i-θ see-LV-CTR+1SG.OBJ kʷə‿ tᶿ‿ hu ‿səm kʷə‿ tᶿ‿ hu ‿səm DET‿ 1SG.POSS‿ go ‿FUT hiqiθut hiq-i-θut pull.out.into.water-LV-CTR+RFL 'He will be watching over me when I cast off.'

EP-TRADITION.120 [hotᶿəm ʔówʋɬ tənúxʷɩɬ] hu ‿tᶿəm hu ‿tᶿəm go ‿1SG.INDC.SBJ+FUT ʔuwuɬ ʔuwuɬ embark tə‿ nəxʷiɬ tə‿ nəxʷiL DET‿ canoe 'I will get on the boat.'

EP-TRADITION.121 [hoč tɑ́ʔɑˑčiš] hu ‿č hu ‿č go ‿1SG.INDC.SBJ taʔačiš taʔačiš travel 'I will travel.'

EP-TRADITION.122 [čʼɛʰčʼɛhʌčxʷ kʼʷʋ́nɛtomoɬ] čʼahčʼahat ‿čxʷ CVC-čʼah-a-t ‿čxʷ RDPL-pray-LV-CTR ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ kʼʷənitumuɬ kʼʷən-i-t-umuɬ see-STV-CTR-1PL.OBJ 'You thank the one who watches over us.'

EP-TRADITION.123 [yɩ́ːʔx̣mɛtòmoɬ] yəyʼx̣mitumuɬ yəyʼx̣-mi-t-umuɬ take.care-RLT-CTR-1PL.OBJ 'the one who looks after us.'

EP-TRADITION.124 [čʼɛhʌmčxʷ] čʼaham ‿čxʷ čʼah-Vm ‿čxʷ pray-MDL ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ 'You pray.'

EP-TRADITION.125 [nɑ́mʼʔot gʌ θɑˑhʌxʷ ʔɛʔɑˑmɩš] namʼ ‿ʔut namʼ ‿ʔut similar ‿CLT ga‿ θahaxʷ ga‿ θu-h-axʷ if‿ go-EPEN-2SG.CNJ.SBJ ʔiʔamiš ʔiʔamiš hunt 'It is the same as when you go hunting.'

EP-TRADITION.126 [túˑmɩš hɑˑhʌs ʔɛ́ˑʔɑˑmɩ̀š] tumiš tumiš man hahas hu-h-as go-EPEN-3CNJ.SBJ ʔiʔamiš ʔiʔamiš hunt 'If you were a man going hunting,'

EP-TRADITION.127 [hɛyčxʷʔʋt (<hɛyɛčxʷʔʋt) čʼɛʰčʼɛhʌt kʼʷúnɛtomoɬ] hiya ‿čxʷ ‿ʔut hiya ‿čxʷ ‿ʔut soon ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ ‿CLT čʼahčʼahat CVC-čʼah-a-t RDPL-pray-LV-CTR kʼʷənitumuɬ kʼʷən-i-t-umuɬ see-STV-CTR-1PL.OBJ 'you would immediately thank the one watching over us.'

EP-TRADITION.128 [hɛsəm yɩ́ʔx̣mɛθɛ kʷθː kʷčɛ́ xʷθóˑθoˑ] hi ‿səm hiL ‿səm it's ‿FUT yəyʼx̣miθi yəyʼx̣-mi-θi take.care-RLT-CTR+2SG.OBJ kʷ‿ ča kʷ‿ ča DET‿ where xʷ‿ θuθu xʷ‿ CV-θu NOM‿ RDPL-go 'He will watch over you wherever you go.'

EP-TRADITION.129 [hɛ́ɬʔot qʷʋlʼ x̣ʌ́nɑˑθɛ kʷ tɑ́m θʔɛɬtən] hiɬ ‿ʔut hiL ‿ʔut it's ‿CLT qʷəlʼ qʷəlʼ come x̣ənaθi x̣ənat-θi give-CTR+2SG.OBJ kʷ‿ tam kʷ‿ tam DET‿ what θ‿ ʔiɬtən θ‿ ʔiɬtən 2SG.POSS‿ food 'He will give you your food.'

EP-TRADITION.130 [xʷʋčɛ́mʌs ʔiː xʷɑxʷɑʔsčxʷ kʷtɑ́ˑmʌs ʔɑ́ˑʔɑˑƛʼìš kʷtɑˑmʌs ʔʌθʔɛɬtən] xʷaʔ xʷaʔ NEG čamʼas čəmʼ-as why-3CNJ.SBJ ʔiy ʔiy and xʷaxʷaʔs ‿čxʷ CV-xʷaʔ-stg ‿čxʷ IMPF-come.off-CAU ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ kʷ‿ tamas kʷ‿ tam-as DET‿ what-3CNJ.SBJ ʔaʔaƛʼiš CV-ʔaƛʼ-Vš IMPF-throw.away-INTR kʷ‿ tamas kʷ‿ tam-as DET‿ what-3CNJ.SBJ ʔə‿ θ‿ ʔiɬtən ʔə‿ θ‿ ʔiɬtən OBL‿ 2SG.POSS‿ food 'You never discard or throw any of your food away.'

EP-TRADITION.131 [x̣ɑ́ˑƛʼɛ̀t ʔiˑqʷʋlčɛxʷ mɑ́ʔʌxʷ kʷɑ́nʼ] x̣aƛʼit x̣aƛʼit difficult ʔiy ʔiy and qʷəl ‿čaxʷ qʷəl ‿čaxʷ come ‿2SG.INDC.SBJ maʔəxʷ maʔ-ng obtain-NTR kʷanʼ kʷanʼ DEM 'You have a hard time getting it.'

EP-TRADITION.132 [hɛgʌ θtíˑʰsxʷ] hi ‿ga hiL ‿ga it's ‿MTG θ‿ tihsxʷ θ‿ tih-stg 2SG.POSS‿ big-CAU 'And that is why you treat it with respect.'

EP-TRADITION.133 [níš kʼʷʌ́nɛˑtòˑmoɬ] niš niš stay kʼʷənitumuɬ kʼʷən-i-t-umuɬ see-STV-CTR-1PL.OBJ 'There is somebody watching over us.'

EP-TRADITION.134 [pɑːyɛʔot nɛ́ʔ kʼʷʌnɛtomoɬ] payaʔ ‿ʔut payaʔ ‿ʔut always ‿CLT niʔ niʔ be.there kʼʷənitumuɬ kʼʷən-i-t-umuɬ see-STV-CTR-1PL.OBJ 'There is always somebody watching over us.'

List of abbreviations

Gloss Meaning